Tajribalardan olingan ma’lumot

Ansambl F1 duragayi -

  • Yopiq dala uchun mo’ljallangan indeterminant duragay
  • Kuchli o’suvchi ildiz tizimiga ega bu pomidor navi, judayam baquvvat va hosildor bo’lib, a’lo sifatli chiroyli meva tugadi

  • Ildiz tizimi baquvvat
  • Pishib yetilishi: ertaki
  • Shakli: o'rta dumaloq
  • Og’irligi: 180-220g
  • Qattiqligi: juda zich
  • Rangi: to'q qizil
  • Saqlanuvchanligi: juda uzoq
  • Uzoq masofalarga tashish uchun juda qulay
  • Ushbu pomidor navi bahor yoki kuz mavsumlarida yopiq dalada ekishga mo'ljallangan

  • HR: Vd, Fol1, Fol2, Fol3, ToMV, Mj, TY, TSWV**
  • Eslatma:

  • ** 27 ° dan yuqori tuproq harorati va boshqa stressli holatlar o'simlikning buzilishiga olib kelishi mumkin.
  • Crop Type


    Growing System


    Growing Season

    Cold to Hot

    Planting Season

    Spring, Autumn


    Whole fruit

    Rind Pattern



    Legal terms

    Attention: This information and any complementary/other verbal or written  information that may be given on behalf of Hazera, present average results of specific trials; these are neither exhaustive nor necessarily accurate and may not be regarded as advice, guidance, recommendation, representation or warranty. Sowing times and growing areas are indicative only. Pictures are illustrative only. The sale & use of seeds are subject to the terms and conditions appearing collectively on seed packages and in catalogues and/or at: http://www.hazera.com/terms-and-limitatons. E&OE. © 2022 Hazera.  All rights reserved.

    For tomatoes:

    * The varieties contain the resistant gene/s ” that known for now, however, resistant strains may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure and/or under adverse environmental conditions. Soil temperature above 27°C and other stresses may cause nematode resistance to break.

    ** Please refer to the ISF definition of this term at http://www.worldseed.org/.  A copy of the definitions for terms describing reactions of plants to pests for   the Vegetable Seed Industry, can be obtained at our offices upon demand.

    For all other crops:

    * Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure and/or under adverse environmental conditions and/or in the face of new biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest that may emerge.

    **please refer to the ISF definitions at http://www.worldseed.org. A copy of the definitions for terms describing reactions of plants to pests for the Vegetable Seed Industry, can be obtained at our offices upon demand.


    Tajribalardan olingan ma’lumot

    Ansambl F1 duragayi -

  • Yopiq dala uchun mo’ljallangan indeterminant duragay
  • Kuchli o’suvchi ildiz tizimiga ega bu pomidor navi, judayam baquvvat va hosildor bo’lib, a’lo sifatli chiroyli meva tugadi

  • Ildiz tizimi baquvvat
  • Pishib yetilishi: ertaki
  • Shakli: o'rta dumaloq
  • Og’irligi: 180-220g
  • Qattiqligi: juda zich
  • Rangi: to'q qizil
  • Saqlanuvchanligi: juda uzoq
  • Uzoq masofalarga tashish uchun juda qulay
  • Ushbu pomidor navi bahor yoki kuz mavsumlarida yopiq dalada ekishga mo'ljallangan

  • HR: Vd, Fol1, Fol2, Fol3, ToMV, Mj, TY, TSWV**
  • Eslatma:

  • ** 27 ° dan yuqori tuproq harorati va boshqa stressli holatlar o'simlikning buzilishiga olib kelishi mumkin.
  • Legal terms

    Attention: This information and any complementary/other verbal or written  information that may be given on behalf of Hazera, present average results of specific trials; these are neither exhaustive nor necessarily accurate and may not be regarded as advice, guidance, recommendation, representation or warranty. Sowing times and growing areas are indicative only. Pictures are illustrative only. The sale & use of seeds are subject to the terms and conditions appearing collectively on seed packages and in catalogues and/or at: http://www.hazera.com/terms-and-limitatons. E&OE. © 2022 Hazera.  All rights reserved.

    For tomatoes:

    * The varieties contain the resistant gene/s ” that known for now, however, resistant strains may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure and/or under adverse environmental conditions. Soil temperature above 27°C and other stresses may cause nematode resistance to break.

    ** Please refer to the ISF definition of this term at http://www.worldseed.org/.  A copy of the definitions for terms describing reactions of plants to pests for   the Vegetable Seed Industry, can be obtained at our offices upon demand.

    For all other crops:

    * Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure and/or under adverse environmental conditions and/or in the face of new biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest that may emerge.

    **please refer to the ISF definitions at http://www.worldseed.org. A copy of the definitions for terms describing reactions of plants to pests for the Vegetable Seed Industry, can be obtained at our offices upon demand.